Dr Sandra Lee 1 #10

Mr. Wilson was a pimple-popper’s dream! He made it worthwhile to watch since his pimples were so big. Miss him! Wow Mr Wilson was truly so sweet. He was one of the originals. His pops were always great. You got him cleaned up good. I remember watching these over & over.

I watched his transformation in the original videos. It was fascinating what you were able to do. The amount of pops was incredible. I would love to watch the videos from start to finish once again.Love you! But I have a question ( no offence) but do they keep filling up because the method you use isn’t completely cleaning all of the pore out?Nothing like this before or after. Him and Pops were the best. I’m sorry to say that they were the very best you’ve ever done.Is Mrs. Wilson still jealous? So many years have passed… “Mr. Hmm” It’s one of my favorites

Dr Lee, it absolutely blows my mind how gentle you are with this tool in getting the blackhead gunk out of this patients nose. I applaud you and all of your methods. You are truly the finest, caring dermatologist I’ve ever seen. I’m in Tennessee, I really wished your practice was closer here.