First trailer for new Final Destination movie shows one of the grimmest deaths in the franchise #4

First trailer for new Final Destination movie shows one of the grimmest deaths in the franchise

First trailer for new Final Destination movie shows one of the grimmest deaths in the franchise

They’re kicking things up a notch

The first trailer for Final Destination: Bloodlines has been released and it’s promising plenty of the gory death the franchise is known for.

The movie releases in cinemas on 16 May, so there’s still quite a way to wait before you can get your bum in the theatre seat and watch a bunch of people meet a grisly end.

That’s really what you’re here for with a Final Destination movie isn’t it? In that regard the first trailer for Final Destination: Bloodlines doesn’t disappoint.

If you had any doubts about the franchise and its penchant for absurd deaths, the trailer show us perhaps the world’s unluckiest tattoo artist being strung up to the ceiling fan by a chain and then set on fire.

Who would have thought that hanging a bunch of chains from the ceiling so they snag on the fan, then hook onto your nose ring right about the time the building is set on fire by a rather contrived series of events is the way you’d go?

Check out the gruesome trailer:

Final Destination Bloodlines trailer
Credit: Warner Bros
That’s just one of the presumably many deaths that lay in store for Final Destination fans who want to see the movie, as those who’ve seen the trailer had admitted they got ‘childhood trauma’ from watching them.

Despite a whole load of people talking about how the earlier movies scarred them for life there were plenty declaring that despite their fears they’d be ‘watching this no matter how bad the reviews’ are.

Someone else commented ‘damn this looks sick’, and we’ve got no idea which sense of the phrase they mean that in because really either could apply.

Meanwhile, another trailer viewer said ‘they cooking good’, and by the look of the poor chap in the scene we were shown there was certainly some cooking going on.

You may be wondering how he ended up in this situation, the answer is that it's a Final Destination movie. (Warner Bros)

You may be wondering how he ended up in this situation, the answer is that it’s a Final Destination movie. (Warner Bros)

While the franchise has shown us some very improbable deaths over the years there is one way which you’re more likely to fall prey to than others.

If you’re going to go the way of a Final Destination character then statistically it’s probably because you caught a ladder in the eye like Evan Lewis.

After that, being cut in half by a chain link fence is the next most likely fate to befall you, but really the deaths the poor collection of characters we see up for the chop in these films is very unlikely to befall you.

Still, if you are a tattoo artist who likes dangling chains right next to your ceiling fan you may want to be careful.